The Mansion

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

File 2: Music to be Murdered By

The second post in the Music to Be Murdered By series, where I introduce various tracks from mystery productions. Today, a classic!

Title: Detective Conan Main Theme (Vocal Version)
Composer: Oono Katsuo
Album: Detective Conan Original Soundtrack Super Best

The main theme of the Detective Conan anime series is a triumphant, upbeat sax melody by Oono Katsuo and easily the best tune from the whole series soundtrack. It has seen various transformations throughout the years, but this time I'll introduce a lesser popular version of the tune. This specific variation of the main theme, titled Detective Conan Main Theme (vocal version), is a sad version of the song, with someone humming the familiar tune in a slow, almost mourning way. It is usually used during the confession of the murderer. The Standard Use of the track is 1) the murderer finally admits (s)he commited the murder, 2) the murderer explains his/her reasons for the murder 2.5) [Optional] Conan explains why the murderer was wrong for committing the murder and 3) the murderer is taken away by the police. Visually:

Nowadays, it's almost seen as a gag track though. The song may be sad, but the motives of a lot of murderers in Conan are often quite silly and the gap between the sadness and the sheer ridiculousness of the motives is sometimes too much even for this track. The most famous, and most hilarious example of this is in episode 135 of the anime (an original episode not based on the comic), where this song is used while the murderer explains she killed the victim because she threw a clothes hanger at her. Not even a sad song like this one can make her sound like a sympethetic murderer!

Original Japanese title(s): 「名探偵コナン~メイン・テーマ(ヴォーカル・ヴァージョン)」(大野克夫) 『名探偵コナン ― サントラ・スーパー・ベスト』

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